AiDe Chemists

AiDe Chemists | Profile, Locations, Contact and more

Welcome to Aide Chemists, your go-to pharmacy for high-quality, affordable healthcare in Africa. We are proud to offer a range of services and programmes to help make your healthcare experience as convenient and cost-effective as possible, including our Aide Merit Loyalty programme.

At Aide Chemists, we are committed to providing you with quality products that meet the necessary specifications to help you achieve the best possible health outcomes. Our Aide Cares Programme offers anti-malarial and reproductive health products at affordable prices, with the goal of reducing burden on our clients and promoting good health in vulnerable communities. By addressing the devastating effects of malaria and contributing to population management, we are helping to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.

Through our Aide Merit Loyalty programme, you can earn points on your purchases at Aide Chemists and redeem them for discounts at the checkout. This programme is easy to join – simply provide your mobile phone number to enroll and start earning points today.

By using our Momentum app, you have access to your medicines at your finger tips. Momentum gives you the convenience to get your medicines delivered to you or made available for pickup at the pharmacy. Everything at convenience! With Momentum, you eliminate the hassle of roaming around looking for medicines when prescribed. Just upload the prescription and we get the medicines for you. By using Momentum app, you earn loyalty points as well. Again, with our subscription services under Aide Cares & Patient relief you have access to discounted medicines, access to a dedicated Pharmacist, and assurance of quality medicines all the time.

 Experience the convenience and cost-saving benefits of Momentum. Visit us at one of our conveniently located pharmacies or network of pharmacies to experience the exceptional care and services Aide Chemists & Momentum has to offer. CLICK HERE


V194 Brocolli Street, Ashale Botwe, Accra, Ghana




We would like to hear from you. Kindly get in touch with us via Website on Contact – Aide Chemists : Ghana’s leading Pharmacy Chain || 24/7 Online Pharmacy


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